Excelノート 17-3 図形

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タイトル欄のアドレスは、 エクセルファンクラブ の該当する頁へのリンク先です。
お願い をご覧になってください。

41 写真や画像を、オートシェイプの形に表示するには?
42 図形の名前を変更するには?
43 指定セル範囲内にある図形を削除するには?
44 同じ値のセル同士、直線で結ぶには?
45 丸囲み文字を書くには?
46 図形をアニメーションのように動かすには?
47 選択したセル範囲内の、矢印だけを削除するには?
48 螺旋を引きたい
49 CAD図面などの変更箇所を示す雲マークを作図するには?
50 指定の行にある図形だけを削除するには?

41 写真や画像を、オートシェイプの形に表示するには?
Excel97、Excel2000 共通
1. 【挿入】【図】【オートシェイプ】で、図形を選択してシートに挿入します。
2. 挿入したオートシェイプを右クリック【オートシェイプの書式設定】
42 図形の名前を変更するには?
Sub test()
  Dim a As String, aa As String
  a = Selection.Name
 aa = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="選択した図形の名前は 「" & a & "」 です。 " _
                   & Chr(10) & "新しい名前を入力してください", Type:=2)
  Selection.Name = aa
  MsgBox "図形の名前を 「" & aa & "」 に変更しました。"
End Sub
43 指定セル範囲内にある図形を削除するには?
 「指定セル範囲内にある画像を削除するには」 【VBAラウンジ】 
Sub test2() '指定した範囲と、"部分的に重なる"場合も削除するなら
 Dim myShp As Shape
 Dim myR As Range, SR As Range
 On Error Resume Next
 Set myR = Application.InputBox("図形を削除する範囲のセルをドラッグしてください", Type:=8)
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
 On Error GoTo 0
 For Each myShp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
  Set SR = Range(myShp.TopLeftCell, myShp.BottomRightCell)
  If Not Intersect(SR, myR) Is Nothing Then
  End If
  Set SR = Nothing
 Set myR = Nothing
End Sub
Sub test3()
 Dim myShp As Shape
 Dim myR As Range, SR As Range
 On Error Resume Next
 Set myR = Application.InputBox("図形を削除する範囲のセルをドラッグしてください", Type:=8)
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
 On Error GoTo 0
 For Each myShp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
  Set SR = Range(myShp.TopLeftCell, myShp.BottomRightCell)
  If Not Intersect(SR, myR) Is Nothing Then
   If Intersect(SR, myR).Cells.Count = SR.Cells.Count Then
   End If
  End If
  Set SR = Nothing
 Set myR = Nothing
End Sub
44 同じ値のセル同士、直線で結ぶには?
 「同じ数字どうし、線で結びあわせるには?」 【グラフラウンジ】

Sub miko_test()
 Dim i As Long, j As Integer, k As Integer
 Dim 左 As Double, 上 As Double, 右 As Double, 下 As Double
 For i = 1 To Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - 1
  For j = 1 To Cells(i, Application.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
   If Cells(i, j) = "" Then Exit For
   For k = 1 To Cells(i + 2, Application.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    If Cells(i + 2, k) <> "" And Cells(i, j) = Cells(i + 2, k) Then
     左 = Cells(i, j).Left + (Cells(i, j).Width / 2)
     上 = Cells(i, j).Top + Cells(i, j).Height
     右 = Cells(i + 2, k).Left + (Cells(i + 2, k).Width / 2)
     下 = Cells(i + 2, k).Top
     ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(左, 上, 右, 下).Select
    End If
End Sub


45 丸囲み文字を書くには?
  「まるすうじS以上を入力するには?」 【編集ラウンジ】
 「○で囲まれた文字で表示するには」 【編集ラウンジ】 
方法1 外字を作成する。
方法2 Wordの特殊文字を辞書登録する。
方法3 オートシェイプ○に、「テキストの追加」 で文字を入れる。

Sub 丸囲み文字3()
 Dim M As String, F As Integer, C As Integer, CC As String
 Dim L As Double, T As Double, W As Double, B As Double
 Dim S As Shape, MS(2) As String
 Dim R As Range, SR As Range, i As Integer
 On Error Resume Next
 Set R = Selection
 M = Application.InputBox(prompt:="まるで囲む文字を入力してください", Type:=2)
 F = Application.InputBox(prompt:="文字サイズを入力してください", _
                      Default:=11, Type:=1)
 CC = "1)黒" & Chr(10) & "2)白" & Chr(10) & _
               "3) 赤" & Chr(10) & "4)黄緑" & Chr(10) & "5)青"
 C = InputBox(prompt:="文字色をフォント色のインデックス番号(1〜56)で入力してください" _
               & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & CC, Title:="文字色選択", Default:=1)
 If (VarType(C) = vbBoolean) Then Exit Sub
 L = Selection.Left   
 T = Selection.Top    
 W = Selection.Height  
 B = Selection.Height  
 ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, L, T, W, B).Select
 With Selection
  MS(1) = .Name
  .Characters.Text = M
  .ShapeRange(1).TextFrame.AutoSize = msoTrue
  .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
  .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
  With .ShapeRange
   .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
   .Line.Visible = msoFalse
  End With
  With .Font
   .Name = "MS Pゴシック"
   .FontStyle = "標準"
   .Size = F
   .ColorIndex = C
  End With
 End With
 ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, L, T, W, B).Select
 With Selection
  .Characters.Text = " "
  .ShapeRange .ColorIndex = C 
  .ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
  .ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = C + 7
  MS(2) = .Name
 End With
 ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array(MS(1), MS(2))).Select
 With Selection.ShapeRange
  .Align msoAlignMiddles, False
  .Align msoAlignCenters, False
 End With
 If Selection.Top + Selection.Height > T + B Then _
           Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop _
           -(Selection.Top + Selection.Height - T - B) / 2
End Sub


こちらの方は、先にフォント色を変更してから実行すると、 ○の部分をフォント色と同じ色にします。

Sub 丸囲み文字_○色変更() '先に文字色を変更してから実行してください
 Dim obj As Object, i As Integer, j As Integer, WS As Worksheet
 Dim N(2) As String, L(2) As Single, C(2) As Integer
 On Error Resume Next
 C(1) = Selection.Font.ColorIndex
 i = 0
 For Each obj In Selection
  i = i + 1
  N(i) = obj.Name           
 'テキストが" "の場合、染色をフォント色と同じにする
 If Selection.Text = " " Then Selection.ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = C(1) + 7
 If Selection.Text = " " Then Selection.ShapeRange.Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = C(1) + 7
 ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array(N(1), N(2))).Select
End Sub


46 図形をアニメーションのように動かすには?
 「画像を連続でスクロールのように綺麗に移動するには。」 【VBAラウンジ】 
Sub 左上から右下へ()
 Dim nWait As Integer, i As Integer
 nWait = 20
 With ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.Name)
  For i = 1 To 200
   .Left = .Left + 1
   .Top = .Top + 1
   Sleep nWait
 End With
End Sub
Sub 左から右へ()
 Dim i
 For i = 1 To 1000
  ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.Name).Left = i
 Next i
End Sub

47 選択したセル範囲内の矢印だけを削除するには?
Sub miko_test() '選択範囲内に完全に含まれる矢印のみ削除
 Dim myShp As Shape
 Dim myR As Range, SR As Range
 On Error Resume Next
 Set myR = Selection
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
 On Error GoTo 0
 For Each myShp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
  Set SR = Range(myShp.TopLeftCell, myShp.BottomRightCell)
  If Not Intersect(SR, myR) Is Nothing Then
   If Intersect(SR, myR).Cells.Count = SR.Cells.Count Then
    If Selection.ShapeRange.Line.EndArrowheadStyle <> msoArrowheadNone Then Selection.Delete
   End If
  End If
  Set SR = Nothing
 Set myR = Nothing
End Sub

Sub miko_test2()
 Dim myShp As Shape
 Dim myR As Range, SR As Range
 On Error Resume Next
 Set myR = Selection
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
 On Error GoTo 0
 For Each myShp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
  Set SR = Range(myShp.TopLeftCell, myShp.BottomRightCell)
  If Not Intersect(SR, myR) Is Nothing Then
   If Selection.ShapeRange.Line.EndArrowheadStyle <> msoArrowheadNone Then Selection.Delete
  End If
  Set SR = Nothing
 Set myR = Nothing
End Sub
48 螺旋を引きたい
 「螺旋を引きたい」 【編集ラウンジ】
Sub 鳴門巻き5()      '横の螺旋
Const X = 100
Const Y = 100
Const R = 50
Const Pi = 3.1415
Const IncNum = 4
Dim Ratio As Single
Dim i As Long

With ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, X, Y + R)
Ratio = 0
For i = 30 To 9000 Step 30
.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X + Sin(i * Pi / 180) * R + Ratio, _
Y + Cos(i * Pi / 180) * R
Ratio = Ratio + IncNum
.ConvertToShape.ScaleWidth 0.3, msoFalse
End With
End Sub
Sub 鳴門巻き3()        '縦の螺旋
 Dim i As Long
 Dim H1 As Long, H2 As Long
 Dim W As Integer
 Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
 X = 100: Y = 100
 With ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, X, Y)
  H1 = 5: H2 = 1: W = 10
  For i = 90 To 7200 Step 90
   If i Mod 360 = 90 Then
    .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X + W, Y + H1
    Y = Y + H1
   ElseIf i Mod 360 = 180 Then
    .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X, Y + H1
    Y = Y + H1
   ElseIf i Mod 360 = 270 Then
    .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X - W, Y - H2
    Y = Y - H2
    .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X, Y - H2
    Y = Y - H2
   End If
 End With
End Sub
Sub 鳴門巻き4()   
    Const X = 100
    Const Y = 100
    Const R = 50
    Const Pi = 3.1415
    Const IncNum = 0.3
    Dim Ratio As Single
    Dim i As Long
    With ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, X, Y + R)
        Ratio = 0
        For i = 30 To 18000 Step 15
            .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X + Sin(i * Pi / 180) * R + Ratio, _
                                                       Y + Cos(i * Pi / 180) * R
            Ratio = Ratio + IncNum
        .ConvertToShape.ScaleWidth 0.5, msoFalse
    End With
End Sub

Sub 鳴門巻きスペシャル()
    Const X = 150
    Const Y = 150
    Const R = 15
    Const Pi = 3.1415
    Const IncNum = 0.1
    Dim Spiral As Shape
    Dim Base As Shape
    Dim Ratio As Single
    Dim i As Long      
    With ActiveSheet.Shapes
        With .BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, X, Y + R)
            Ratio = 1
            For i = 30 To 720 Step 15
                .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, X + Sin(i * Pi / 180) * R * Ratio, _
                                                           Y + Cos(i * Pi / 180) * R * Ratio
                Ratio = Ratio + IncNum
            Set Spiral = .ConvertToShape
            With Spiral
                .Line.Weight = 5#
                .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 255)
                .ScaleHeight 0.5, msoFalse
            End With
        End With
        Set Base = .AddShape(msoShape16pointStar, Spiral.Left - 40, _
                                                  Spiral.Top - 40, _
                                                  Spiral.Width + 80, _
                                                  Spiral.Height + 80)
        With Base
            .ThreeD.SetThreeDFormat msoThreeD3
            .Adjustments.Item(1) = 0.05
            .ThreeD.Depth = 12#
            .ThreeD.PresetLightingDirection = msoLightingNone
            .ZOrder msoSendToBack
        End With
        .Range(Array(Spiral.Name, Base.Name)).Group
    End With
    Set Spiral = Nothing
    Set Base = Nothing
End Sub
49 CAD図面などの変更箇所を示す雲マークを作図するには?
 「雲マークを作図したい」 【VBAラウンジ】
Sub FreeForm2CloudyShape()
 Const RAD = 3.14159265358979 / 180
 Const R_BASE = 15#
 Dim Target As Shape, Side As Shape
 Dim arrNode As Variant
 Dim NodeX As New Collection, NodeY As New Collection
 Dim Sides As New Collection, SideLen As Single
 Dim CircleCount As Long, CircleWidth As Single
 Dim CompL As Single, CompR As Single
 Dim CompT As Single, CompB As Single
 Dim MaxL As Long, MaxR As Long
 Dim MaxT As Long, MaxB As Long
 Dim Flg As Boolean, i As Long, j As Long
 Dim dx As Single, dy As Single
 Dim r As Single, x As Single, y As Single
 If TypeName(Selection) = "Drawing" Then
  With Selection.ShapeRange
   If .Type = msoFreeform Then
    If .Nodes.Count > 2 Then Set Target = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.Name)
   End If
  End With
 End If
 If Target Is Nothing Then
  MsgBox "変換可能なフリーフォームが選択されていません。", vbCritical
  GoTo ExitHandler
 End If
 If MsgBox("選択された図形の縁にそって雲形のシェイプを描きます。", _
       vbOKCancel + vbInformation) = vbCancel Then GoTo ExitHandler
 CompL = 999999999
 CompR = 0
 CompT = 999999999
 CompB = 0
 With Target
  For i = 1 To .Nodes.Count
   arrNode = .Nodes(i).Points
   NodeX.Add arrNode(1, 1)
   NodeY.Add arrNode(1, 2)
   If arrNode(1, 1) < CompL Then
    MaxL = i
    CompL = arrNode(1, 1)
   End If
   If arrNode(1, 1) > CompR Then
    MaxR = i
    CompR = arrNode(1, 1)
   End If
   If arrNode(1, 2) < CompT Then
    MaxT = i
    CompT = arrNode(1, 2)
   End If
   If arrNode(1, 2) > CompB Then
    MaxB = i
    CompB = arrNode(1, 2)
   End If
  arrNode = .Nodes(1).Points
  NodeX.Add arrNode(1, 1)
  NodeY.Add arrNode(1, 2)
 End With
 For i = 2 To NodeX.Count
  dx = (NodeX(i) - NodeX(i - 1))
  dy = (NodeY(i) - NodeY(i - 1))
  SideLen = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2)
  If SideLen < R_BASE Then
   MsgBox "頂点間の距離が小さすぎます。", vbCritical
   GoTo ExitHandler
  End If
  If dy / 2 + NodeY(i - 1) < SideLen / 2 Then
   MsgBox "現在の図形の位置では正しく変換できません。" & vbCrLf & _
   "位置を下方向に移動させてから再実行してください。", vbCritical
   GoTo ExitHandler
  End If
 If CInt(MaxL > MaxB) + CInt(MaxB > MaxR) + CInt(MaxR > MaxT) + CInt(MaxT > MaxL) < -1 Then
  j = NodeX.Count
  For i = 1 To j
   NodeX.Add NodeX(j - i + 1)
   NodeY.Add NodeY(j - i + 1)
  For i = 1 To j
   NodeX.Remove 1
   NodeY.Remove 1
 End If
 With ActiveSheet.Shapes
  For i = 2 To NodeX.Count
   dx = (NodeX(i) - NodeX(i - 1))
   dy = (NodeY(i) - NodeY(i - 1))
   SideLen = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2)
   CircleCount = SideLen \ R_BASE
   r = SideLen / CircleCount / 2
   x = dx / 2 + NodeX(i - 1)
   y = dy / 2 + NodeY(i - 1) + SideLen / 2
   With .BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, x, y + r)
    For j = 1 To CircleCount
     .AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingCorner, x + Sin(45 * RAD) * r, _
     y + Cos(45 * RAD) * r, x + Sin(135 * RAD) * r, _
     y + Cos(135 * RAD) * r, x + Sin(180 * RAD) * r, y + Cos(180 * RAD) * r
     x = x + Sin(180 * RAD) * r
     y = y + Cos(180 * RAD) * r * 2
    Set Side = .ConvertToShape
    Sides.Add Side
    With Side
     .ScaleWidth 2, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
     .Top = .Top - r
     CircleWidth = .Width
     If NodeX(i) > NodeX(i - 1) Then
      .Left = .Left - CircleWidth / 2
      .IncrementRotation Atn(dy / dx) / RAD + 90
      .Left = .Left - Sin(Atn(dy / dx)) * CircleWidth / 2
      .Top = .Top + Cos(Atn(dy / dx)) * CircleWidth / 2
     ElseIf NodeX(i) < NodeX(i - 1) Then
      .Left = .Left - CircleWidth / 2
      .IncrementRotation Atn(dy / dx) / RAD - 90
      .Left = .Left + Sin(Atn(dy / dx)) * CircleWidth / 2
      .Top = .Top - Cos(Atn(dy / dx)) * CircleWidth / 2
      If NodeY(i) > NodeY(i - 1) Then
       .IncrementRotation 180
       .Left = .Left - CircleWidth
      End If
     End If
    End With
   End With
 End With
 If MsgBox("変換結果を確定しますか?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
  If MsgBox("元の図形を削除しますか?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then Target.Delete
  If MsgBox("図形グループ化しますか?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
   Flg = True
   For Each Side In Sides
    Side.Select Flg
    Flg = False
  End If
  For Each Side In Sides
 End If
 Set Target = Nothing
 Set NodeX = Nothing
 Set NodeY = Nothing
 Set Sides = Nothing
 Set Side = Nothing
End Sub

Private Const iPiPlaceCount = 8
Private Const iPiPlaceTopCenter = 0
Private Const iPiPlaceTopLeft = 1
Private Const iPiPlaceMiddleLeft = 2
Private Const iPiPlaceBottomLeft = 3
Private Const iPiPlaceBottomCenter = 4
Private Const iPiPlaceBottomRight = 5
Private Const iPiPlaceMiddleRight = 6
Private Const iPiPlaceTopRight = 7
Private Type UShapeCreateCloud
 FB As FreeformBuilder
 BeginX As Single
 BeginY As Single
 CellBorders As Collection
End Type
Private mp As UShapeCreateCloud
Public Function CreaterCloudShape(ByVal Range As Range) As Shape
 Dim celStart As Range
 Dim cel As Range, celOld As Range
 Dim iPlace As Long, iOldPlace As Long
 Dim oFB As FreeformBuilder
 Set mp.CellBorders = New Collection
 '' 一つのセルだけなら、四辺を描いて終了します。
 If Range.Count = 1 Then
  drawEdge Range, xlEdgeTop
  drawEdge Range, xlEdgeLeft
  drawEdge Range, xlEdgeBottom
  drawEdge Range, xlEdgeRight
'' 左上カドから始めます。
  ''  ここで、このセルの上には線を引いておきます。

  iPlace = iPiPlaceTopRight
  Set celStart = topLeftCell(Range)
  drawEdge celStart, xlEdgeTop
'' 反時計回りで、縁のセルを見つけ、そのさらに縁に(罫線の部分に)線を引いていきます。
  Set cel = celStart
  iOldPlace = iPlace
  Set celOld = cel
  Set cel = forwardEdgeCell(Range, cel, iPlace)
  searchEdge iPlace, iOldPlace, cel, celOld
  Loop Until (cel.Address = celStart.Address)
 End If
'' 線を閉じて、シェイプに変換して、返します。
 ''  塗りは空にしておきます。

 Set CreaterCloudShape = mp.FB.ConvertToShape
 Set mp.FB = Nothing
 CreaterCloudShape.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
End Function
Private Sub encloseEdge()
 With mp
  .FB.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, .BeginX, .BeginY
 End With
End Sub
Private Sub drawEdge(ByVal cel As Range, ByVal EdgeIndex As Long)
 Dim sKey As String
 Dim vRet As Variant
 Dim x As Single, y As Single, rDir As Single
 Dim rBegin As Single, rEnd As Single
 Dim rDiff As Single
 Const rSize = 15, rCombinSize = 5
 Const rPeakRatio = 0.65
 With mp
'' すでに描画していないか調べます。
  ''  コレクションに登録済みなら描画済みです。

  sKey = cel.Address & ":" & CStr(EdgeIndex)
  On Error Resume Next
  vRet = .CellBorders(sKey)
  If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
  On Error GoTo 0
'' コレクションに登録します。
  ''  必要なのはキーで、値はダミーです。

  .CellBorders.Add "Dummy", sKey
'' 描画位置を求め、描画します。
  ''  上下と左右で処理をまとめています。上と下、左と右は、進む方向が違うだけ。
  ''  15 ポイントずつ区切って半円を描きますが、
  '' 小さな端数が出ないように 残りが 15 + 5 以下なら1つの半円にします。

  With cel
   Select Case EdgeIndex
   Case xlEdgeTop, xlEdgeBottom
   If EdgeIndex = xlEdgeTop Then
    y = .Top
    rBegin = .Left + .Width
    rEnd = .Left
    rDir = -1
    y = .Top + .Height
    rBegin = .Left
    rEnd = .Left + .Width
    rDir = 1
   End If
    rDiff = Abs(rEnd - rBegin)
    If rDiff <= rSize + rCombinSize Then
     drawHalfCircle rBegin, y, rEnd, y, rBegin + (rDiff / 2) * rDir, y + _
     ((rDiff / 2) * rPeakRatio) * rDir
     Exit Do
     drawHalfCircle rBegin, y, rBegin + rSize * rDir, y, rBegin + _
     (rSize / 2) * rDir, y + ((rSize / 2) * rPeakRatio) * rDir
     rBegin = rBegin + rSize * rDir
    End If
   Case xlEdgeLeft, xlEdgeRight
   If EdgeIndex = xlEdgeLeft Then
    x = .Left
    rBegin = .Top
    rEnd = .Top + .Height
    rDir = 1
    x = .Left + .Width
    rBegin = .Top + .Height
    rEnd = .Top
    rDir = -1
   End If
    rDiff = Abs(rEnd - rBegin)
    If rDiff <= rSize + rCombinSize Then
     drawHalfCircle x, rBegin, x, rEnd, x - ((rDiff / 2) * rPeakRatio) * rDir, _
     rBegin + (rDiff / 2) * rDir
     Exit Do
     drawHalfCircle x, rBegin, x, rBegin + rSize * rDir, x - _
     ((rSize / 2) * rPeakRatio) * rDir, rBegin + (rSize / 2) * rDir
     rBegin = rBegin + rSize * rDir
    End If
   End Select
  End With
 End With
End Sub
Private Sub drawHalfCircle(ByVal xBegin As Single, ByVal yBegin As Single, _
 ByVal xEnd As Single, ByVal yEnd As Single, _
 ByVal xPeak As Single, ByVal yPeak As Single)
'' 半円を描きますが、始点を引く必要はありません。
 '' 前回の終了点が始点となります。

 With mp
  If .FB Is Nothing Then
   Set .FB = ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, xPeak, yPeak)
   .BeginX = xPeak
   .BeginY = yPeak
   .FB.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, xPeak, yPeak
  End If
  .FB.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, xEnd, yEnd
  .FB.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, xEnd, yEnd
 End With
End Sub
Private Sub searchEdge(ByVal PlaceIndex As Long, ByVal PrevPlaceIndex As Long, _
 ByVal CurrCell As Range, ByVal PrevCell As Range)
'' 来た方向を勘案し、1つ前のセルと今のセルの罫線位置に、線を引きます。
 Select Case PlaceIndex
  Case iPiPlaceTopCenter
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceBottomCenter Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeTop
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeLeft
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeLeft
  Case iPiPlaceTopLeft
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceTopRight Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeLeft
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeBottom
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeLeft
  Case iPiPlaceMiddleLeft
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceTopRight _
    Or PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceMiddleRight _
    Or PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceBottomRight Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeLeft
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeBottom
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeBottom
  Case iPiPlaceBottomLeft
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceTopLeft Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeBottom
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeRight
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeBottom
  Case iPiPlaceBottomCenter
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceTopCenter Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeBottom
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeRight
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeRight
  Case iPiPlaceBottomRight
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceBottomLeft Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeRight
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeTop
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeRight
  Case iPiPlaceMiddleRight
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceTopLeft _
    Or PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceMiddleLeft _
    Or PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceBottomLeft Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeRight
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeTop
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeTop
  Case iPiPlaceTopRight
   If PrevPlaceIndex = iPiPlaceTopLeft Then
    drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeTop
   End If
   drawEdge PrevCell, xlEdgeLeft
   drawEdge CurrCell, xlEdgeTop
  End Select
End Sub
Private Function forwardEdgeCell(ByVal Range As Range, ByVal AncherCell As Range, _
 ByRef PlaceIndex As Long) As Range
 Dim i As Long
'' アンカーセルを中心に、来た方向の隣から反時計回りに、セルがないか探します。
 For i = PlaceIndex + 1 To PlaceIndex + 8
  Select Case (i Mod iPiPlaceCount)
   Case iPiPlaceTopCenter
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, -1, 0)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, -1, 0)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceTopLeft
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, -1, -1)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, -1, -1)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceMiddleLeft
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 0, -1)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 0, -1)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceBottomLeft
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 1, -1)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 1, -1)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceBottomCenter
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 1, 0)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 1, 0)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceBottomRight
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 1, 1)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 1, 1)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceMiddleRight
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 0, 1)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, 0, 1)
    End If
   Case iPiPlaceTopRight
    If Not (Application.Intersect(Range, Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, -1, 1)) Is Nothing) Then
     Set forwardEdgeCell = Cell_RealOffset(AncherCell, -1, 1)
    End If
  End Select
  If Not (forwardEdgeCell Is Nothing) Then
   PlaceIndex = (i + iPiPlaceCount / 2) Mod iPiPlaceCount
   Exit Function
  End If
End Function
Private Function topLeftCell(ByVal Range As Range) As Range
 Dim rngArea As Range
 Dim cel As Range
 For Each rngArea In Range.Areas
  Set cel = rngArea.Cells(1, 1)
  If topLeftCell Is Nothing Then
   Set topLeftCell = cel
   If cel.Row < topLeftCell.Row Then
    Set topLeftCell = cel
    ElseIf cel.Row = topLeftCell.Row Then
    If cel.Column < topLeftCell.Column Then
     Set topLeftCell = cel
    End If
   End If
  End If
End Function
Private Function Cell_RealOffset(ByVal AncherCell As Range, _
 ByVal RowOffset As Long, ByVal ColOffset As Long) As Range
 With AncherCell
  Set Cell_RealOffset = .Worksheet.Cells(.Row + RowOffset, .Column + ColOffset)
 End With
End Function
Sub 雲()
 CreaterCloudShape Selection
End Sub

50 指定の行にある図形だけを削除するには?
 「行単位でオートシェイプを削除するには?」 【VBAラウンジ】
Sub mikotest()
 Dim myShp As Shape, C As Range, gyou As Variant
 gyou = Application.InputBox("何行目のシェイプを削除しますか?", Type:=1)
 If (VarType(gyou) = vbBoolean) Then Exit Sub
 For Each C In Rows(gyou)
  For Each myShp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
   If (C.Top + C.Height >= myShp.Top + myShp.Height) And (C.Top <= myShp.Top) Then myShp.Delete
End Sub
Sub mikotest2()
 Dim myShp As Shape, C As Range, gyou As Variant
 gyou = Application.InputBox("何行目のシェイプを削除しますか?", Type:=1)
 If (VarType(gyou) = vbBoolean) Then Exit Sub
 For Each C In Rows(gyou)
  For Each myShp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
   If (C.Top + C.Height > myShp.Top) And (C.Top < myShp.Top + myShp.Height) Then myShp.Delete
End Sub

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